
Thursday, November 6, 2008

What is JDK &JRE???

Java Developmental Tool kit(JDK)JDK comes along with java libraries and JVM embedded in it. Apart from these it comes along with the utility tools for byte code compilation "javac", Executing the byte codes through java programmes through "java" and many more utilities found in the binary directory of java. Speaking practically JDK is essential for developers, which comes along with library packages to develop Software programmes. While JRE is minimal set of programmes which executes the java class files developed by the software developers.

Java Run Time Environment(JRE):- The java programming language adds the portability by converting the source code to byte code version which can be interpreted by the JRE and gets converted to the platform specific executable ones. Thus for different platforms one has corresponding implementation of JRE. But JRE has to meet the specification JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Concept that serves as a link between the Java libraries and the platform specific implementation of JRE. Thus JVM helps in the abstraction of inner implementation from the programmers who make use of libraries for their programmes.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What is JAVA???

Hi Friends
This is the first question which comes in the mind of new comers. One more questions which come to the mind is "Is java a technology or programming language?". So here is the answer.
java is technology.
"Java" generally refers to a combination of three things:
1. Java programming language (a high-level, object-oriented programming language)
2. Java Virtual Machine (a high-performance virtual machine that executes bytecodes on a specific computing platform, typically abbreviated JVM)
3. Java platform


Hello Friends,
I am a java lover guy. i have started this blog to share our knowledge at this place.
Please post your comments. so that we can get more information about java.